Last Will and Testaments – This document sets out your final wishes and elects a personal representative upon your passing. Your personal representative will be the person who will inform your family and/or friends your wishes for whom is to receive your belongings included personal and real properties.  The personal representative will be responsible for all your final arrangements, and filing of a Probate.

Trust – There are two types of Trust: Revocable and Non-Revocable. A Revocable Trust is one that you can change and dissolve throughout your life. A Non-Revocable Trust is one that is in place and cannot be changed. Real Property is the number one thing put into a trust.

Power of Attorney – This Documents appoints a personal representative to take care of you and your property while you are still alive but possibly unable to voice your wishes due to medical issues: including incompetency and inability or possibly due to a medical emergency where you are simply unable to voice your wishes; or are unavailable due to being out of state or overseas. Power of Attorneys can be limited or all inclusive. Meaning you can limit the personal representatives responsibilities to just medical, financial, or in emergency situations only.

Advance Directive – Also know as a Living Will, this document informs medical staff as to what you wish to happen to your body during



medical emergencies or upon your health failing which would call of machines to help you to continue to live. Medical professionals call this document a DNR, do not resuscitate.